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Celebration of Life Invitation Wording Ideas and Examples

A celebration of life event is very different to a funeral. The atmosphere is one of celebration rather than mourning.

The life of the deceased is remembered but in a positive way. People look back on the memories of that person with joy and smile about the good times they shared.

And so the invitations to a celebration of life are different too. But that can bring with it some problems.

Knowing what to say, what to include and what sort of tone to use in your invitation wording can be tricky.

You need to make sure that the people invited understand the type of event it’s going to be. You don’t want guests arriving expecting something similar to a funeral and being shocked at what they find.

So if you aren’t sure about how to write a celebration of life invitation take a look at the tips and wording examples below for some ideas and inspiration.

Let People Know What a Celebration of Life is

Lots of people aren’t familiar with the concept of a celebration of life. And even if they are they may have never attended one before.

So it can help to include a short outline or description of what a celebration of life is as part of your invitation wording. This way they will be better prepared if they attend and not mistake it for being similar to a funeral or memorial.

It also makes sense to mention why you’re holding a celebration of life rather than a memorial/funeral. Sometimes this can be because the deceased requested it or you don’t want any sort of religiously event.

Do you Send out Invitations for a Celebration of Life?

Yes, a celebration of life is similar to a funeral. So you will want to send out invitations with the details of the event on them.

Otherwise you are relying on people finding out through means you can’t control – word of mouth, for example. It also means you can’t plan for how many people are going to attend.

Some celebrations of life are very informal and held where people can come and go. But baby aren’t so require proper invitations and RSVP’s.

What to Include

When you’re writing your invitations you’ll want to include the following at a minimum:

  • Date and time of the celebration of life.
  • The location.
  • The name of the deceased
  • Their date of birth and death
  • Any extra details like things guests should bring etc.

Those are the main things you should always include. But you can also have a short a biography or special memories you have of the deceased. Remember it isn’t a eulogy though so don’t go overboard – an invitation should be brief.

Should You Include RSVP Details?

This comes down to your own personal preference and whether you have requested anything like guests to bring food. If that’s the case then include these details and an RSVP.

Celebration of Life Invitation Template

Below you’ll find a standard template for a celebration of life invitation. All the most basic details are included and allowing fit you to customize it as you need to.

Celebrating the Life of [deceased name]
[date of birth] to [date of death]

Memorial to be held [date of memorial]


[a short few sentences of their legacy and what they are leaving behind]

We hope to see you there

For some more samples of invitations and the different types of wording you can use see the examples below.

Invitation Wording Examples

Celebrating the Life of Sarah Jones
5th May 1956 to 14th October 2021.

The memorial will be held at 3pm on 7th November, 2021.

Kings Memorial Home
134 Knowles Avenue, Los Angeles

Sarah was the beating heart of the family and is survived by her husband Michael and their two daughters, Joan and Sarah.

She will be missed be so many.

We hope to see you there


You are invited to a special gathering to honor the life of Richard Smith – 7th June 1959 to 28th January 2021.

We will be celebrating Richard’s life on February 9th at 5pm.

At 822 Rafael Square, Trantowtown

If you can then please bring a photo or memento of Richard so that we can share and remember him.

celebration of life invitation example


You are cordially invited to a celebration of the life for Robert Jones who passed away on March 18th, 2022. Please join us on April 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM at the Jones Family Estate to remember and honor Robert and the impact he had on our lives.

We will share stories, tears and laughter as we remember and celebrate the time we were fortunate enough to have Robert in our lives. Please bring any photos or mementos that remind you of Robert to share with others.

RSVP by April 1, 2022 to [email protected].

We look forward to celebrating Robert with you.


Adrian was an amazing person who touched the lives of so many.

Please join us on 6th February at 3pm at Kingsbury Memorial Home as we celebrate his life and all he accomplished.

We will share stories, photos and music in honor of Adrian.

He will be missed deeply.


We invite you to join us and come together in celebrating the life of Suzan, May 11th 1945 / September 21st 2020.

She was the light in so many of our lives and we are going to miss her so much.

We will be remembering and honoring her life at Longview Park, 4025 Custer Street, State College, PA on December 2nd at 2pm.

There will be food, music and plenty of love as we celebrate our dear friend.


You are invited to celebrate Diane Roberts amazing life on June 19th at 2900 Meadow Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821.

We will begin at 1pm and it should last until 4m at the earliest.

Diane will be sadly missed but never forgotten.

So please join us as we share the beloved memories we have of her and remember a wonderful person.


Come and celebrate a truly incredible person as we remember the life of John Davies (1956 – 2022).

At 3357 Boggess Street
OH, 45402

2pm to 5pm.

Join us as we share memories, stories and probably shed some tears as well.

celebration of life invite sample


Celebration of Life Service
Lorraine Elliot (April 12th, 1967 – February 10, 2022)
February 25, 2022
3pm – 5pm.
Eastwood Park
1089 Warner Street
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311

Our beloved Lorraine passed away after a brave battle against cancer. She was a loving mother and wife.

In her honor we will be sharing stories, memories and love for her at a celebrating of life. We hope all friends and family will attend.

She requested that everyone make a donation to her favorite charity, Feeding America, and so we ask anyone who can to do so.


We invite you to join us in celebrating the life of Steve Thomas, someone who touched so many of our lives.

He is missed deeply but we want to honor his life and everything he achieved.

So please come to 2423 Red Maple Drive

At 3pm on March 6th to remember a very special person.

We hope we see you there.


Let us raise a glass and remember the life of Maria Martinez. An amazing, friend, mother and wife.

We will be meeting at
The King’s Pub
4104 Spinnaker Lane
Illinois, 61101

At 4pm on 26th October.

She would have wanted us to celebrate her life and not be sad. Let us do her that honor.


Our celebration of life will honor Bill Wiseman and help us all to remember the outstanding guy he was.

He will be missed and leaves behind a loving wife and 3 children.

We hope you will join us to share our fondest memories and stories.


I will miss my beloved Henry every day. But he wouldn’t want me if anyone else to mourn his passing.

So on July 11th we will be holding a celebration of life where we can pay tribute to a man we all loved.

Please come join us at 2pm, Sunday at:
21 Passaic Street
Jersey City
New Jersey

We will remember Henry the way he would have wanted – with smiles and sharing those special memories of him.


If you’re looking for ideas of what to include in your invitation or for something else to do with that event then try our 45 Most Inspiring Celebration of Life Quotes (with Images)

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celebration of life invitation wording examples

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