At Christmas we all send out cards to friends and family. But when someone has suffered a loss in the previous year, around the holiday season or is dealing the anniversary of a death then it can be tough to know what to write in a card.
You don’t want to be as cheerful and festive as you would normally be. It would be odd and possibly cause some upset to send the usual happy Christmas message.
So what do you say?
Well if you aren’t sure how to write a sympathy message at Christmas or what you say to someone at Christmas that has lost a loved one then try the example wishes and messages below.
READ MORE: Need some further help? Try our guide for Christmas Card Etiquette After a Death
Christmas Sympathy Messages
- I can’t begin to understand how difficult this time of year must be for you but please know you are in my thoughts. I hope you can have a Happy Christmas
- Sending my warmest wishes to you at Christmas and hoping you can find comfort amongst family during the holiday season
- Hoping you can have a Happy Christmas this year and the love of those closest to you ease any pain
- May the holiday season not be too painful for you and that you can look back on warmer memories from past Christmases
- I’m thinking of you this Christmas and sending lots of love. I hope you’re coping and doing ok
- My deepest love to you and your family at this Christmas. I will wish you blessings and peace for the holiday season
- Wishing you and your whole family as much peace and happiness you can find during this difficult holiday
READ MORE: What to Say When it’s Someone’s First Holiday Without a Loved One
- My prayers and thoughts are with you as you go through such tough times. May the holiday season provide some respite and cheer from the pain
- I pray God grants you and your family peace and that your Christmas can bring you cherished memories to remember
- I understand how difficult it has been for you recently and I hope that with the love of friends did family you can have a Christmas that is still filled with joy and happiness. All my love
- It isn’t right to wish you Merry Christmas after everything you’ve been through but I hope that better times are just over the horizon for you
- Merry Christmas. After losing someone so special any holiday must be so tough. I hope you can have as nice a Christmas as possible and your grief isn’t too strong
- I can’t begin to understand what Christmas must be like after you have lost a loved one in the way you did. I hope that the strength of friends and family supports you through such a tragic time
- I’m not sure if sending this card is the right thing to do but I wanted to reach out and let you know you’re in my thoughts during the holiday season
- I will never forget _______ and what a truly special person they were. I just wish they were still with us for this Christmas. I’m so sorry for your loss and hope the holiday season is not filled with too many bad memories
- Sending my best wishes to you and your whole family. Christmas is a time for love and togetherness and I hope that spirit can offer you some comfort when times are hard
- May the cherished and treasured memories of ______ be a comfort this Christmas. I know how much she/he loved the holidays and would have wanted you to carry on enjoying them even without them
- My deepest sympathy this Christmas. May you remember ______ and all the love they brought
- You will be in my prayers over Christmas and the New Year. May God bless you with peace throughout
- The holidays are always so hard after losing someone so important. I am there for you if you need me
- Please know I can be there to talk if you feel lonely or need a friendly ear over the holidays. I understand how hard Christmas must be but you aren’t alone
- My most sincere sympathy for your tragic loss. May the love and support of those around you see you through the holidays
- It’s with such sadness I send this card. May your Christmas still be filled with love and happiness
- I wish your Christmas to be one that can bring you hope and peace. All my love
- May the season of goodwill not bring back too many unwanted memories and the love of those closest to you is enough to help you through
- Big hugs and my heartfelt wishes for you at Christmas
Hopefully these example sympathy messages will have helped you when reaching out to those grieving at Christmas.
Be mindful of people’s grief and hurt during the holidays and don’t just assume it is a happy time for everyone. Many people will be remembering passed loved ones and you should try to be understanding of their feelings when sending your holiday messages.
Thank you! This truly helped ⚘❣
Thank you for sharing this!
Wonderful suggestions! Thank you!