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Loss of Pet Condolence Messages and Quotes

The loss of a pet can be just as hard as losing a friend or member of the family. So offering condolences after losing a pet is important to show you care and are there for those grieving.

Pets become incredibly special to their owners, and the loss will have a long and deep affect on them. I’ve sadly lost many pets over the years, from my 3 beloved cats to my beautiful terrier Poppy who passed away in 2019.

So I understand how much pets mean to us, the grief and sadness we feel when we lose them and what I would like to have received from people in a pet condolence card.

The condolences I received from friends and family really helped me when I was grieving. Both their words and the support I had from them made a big difference in how I coped and got through those tough times.

So sending a pet sympathy or pet condolence messages to whoever is grieving can be the most appropriate thing to do. However, finding the right words or quotes can be difficult. Especially when you are trying to judge the impact the loss has had on their lives.

What to Write when Someone Loses a Pet

If you’re unsure of what to say in a card when a pet dies then follow these tips.

  • Begin by saying how sorry you are for their lossI was so sorry to hear about your furry friend. I know how special he was to you
  • Maybe reminisce on their memory or talk about how loved they were – he was such a lovely boy and a friend to everyone he met
  • Ask after the owner to make sure they’re coping with their loss – I hope you’re doing ok
  • Offer any support you can – If you need anything, or a friend to listen, I can be there
  • Finish with “my condolences”, “deepest sympathies” etc. and sign it.

You don’t have to follow those steps to the letter. But they should hopefully give you an idea of the type of message you can say or send.

If you are still struggling then you may want to use the pet condolence and sympathy messages below. They can either give you a guide and some ideas of what to write, or pick the most fitting one and use it in your pet sympathy card.

Pet Loss Quotes

  • Our pets never really leave us. They live on in memories ofthe love and devotion they gave us.
  • Our treasured friends bless our lives and give us more love than we ever knew possible. May fond memories of __________ bring peace and comfort to you.
  • To lose a true friend is never easy.
 Know that you’re in our/my thoughts.
  • At first they need us, and then we need them.
 Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
  • In this tragic moment, perhaps you could celebrate the life of your beloved animal friend and allow the happy memories to help soothe your grief and mourning
  • Cat Loss Message

  • The heart remembers most what it has loved best. May fond memories comfort you and bring you peace.
  • It’s hard to say goodbye to such a special companion.
 My thoughts are with you.
  • In this tragic moment, we must celebrate the long life lived by your beloved pet, instead of letting those happy memories fade away in mourning
  • Of all the words used to describe _________, there is truly only one – Irreplaceable.

SEE MORE: 24 Touching Pet Loss Poems

  • Extending deepest sympathy for you in your loss. And hoping, too, that comfort and peace may come to you.
  • May fond memories of your beloved pet warm your heart always.
  • Dog Pet Loss Message

  • Although no words can help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer.
  • Treasured friends like your furry companion are missed by all when they pass on, and their fond memories live on forever in our hearts. Wishing you comfort and peace in your time of need.

Sympathy Messages for Loss of Pet

  • I know words do little to ease the pain you feel when such a lovely pet passes on. Keep the memories close to your heart and know that I’m keeping you in mine.
  • Some pets are friends. Others are family. The loss of an amazing dog can’t be easy, and I’m here if you need comforting in this time of grief
  • Pet Loss Message

  • I’m deeply sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and pet. They were certainly a gift from above. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • Life is short, and the loss of a pet serves to remind us of how precious our time here truly is. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of such a wonderful pet.
  • pet condolences

  • I was so sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved pet. His endearing spirit and loveable nature will never be forgotten. My deepest condolences
  • SEE MORE: 57 Heartbreaking Dog Loss Quotes

  • You are in my thoughts and prayers during such a difficult time. I know that he/she meant the world to you. If I can help in any way then please don’t hesitate to reach out
  • We will always remember your loveable boy/girl. They were more than just a pet and their loss will be so hard to take. You have my most sincere sympathy
  • Wishing you so much love and strength to get through this loss. Dog’s so often become our best friends and I know how much yours meant to you. Stay strong
  • We are given the gift of pets but unfortunately they are taken away far too soon. I am so terribly sorry for your loss
  • Our pets leave imprints, or paw prints on our hearts that we can never forget. My most heartfelt condolences for your loss
  • I am so sorry for your loss. _____ was the most loving and friendly dog/cat/pet anyone could hope to have. May the wonderful memories you have sustain you through this terrible time
  • I can only express my sincerest condolences for such a devastating loss. _______ touched all our hearts and shall never be forgotten. May he/she rest in peace
  • You are in all our hearts as we mourn the passing of ______. She was a one of a kind and we were blessed to have had her in our lives. Sending my warmest thoughts and deepest sympathy

Short Pet Condolence Messages

These are some short pet sympathy messages you can include in a card or note to someone who has lost a pet.

  • I’m so terribly sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. You are in my thoughts.
  • My deepest condolences for the passing of your fur baby.
  • My heart breaks for you and the loss you’ve suffered. Please accept my sympathy.
  • Sending my love and sympathy after losing someone so special.
  • Your darling pooch is gone but will never be forgotten. I’m so sorry.
  • You have lost a huge part of your family. I share in your sorrow and hope you are doing ok.
  • I hope the warm memories you have of ______ will provide you comfort amidst the pain.
  • Sending my love and hope for you to get through the coming days and weeks. My condolences.

dog condolence message

Inspirational Pet Loss Messages

  • Your pet brought light and joy to this world and their memory will continue to shine bright. Please accept all my love and sympathy during this time of loss.
  • There will never be another like your pet – they were a true one-of-a-kind. My heart goes out to you during such a difficult time.
  • I am deeply sorry for the loss of your loyal companion. I know that you won’t ever forget the love and amazing bond you had.
  • Nothing is as special as the bond between a pet and their owner. May that connecting you shared and the love your furry friend brought you be some comfort amidst the pain and sorrow.
  • Our pets have this unique way of bringing us together. I shall never forget the wonderful memories I shared with your beloved ______. May they rest in peace.
  • Your furry friend brought a love and happiness to your life that almost no one else could. May their memory always bring you comfort and peace even after they are gone.
  • Your pet was such a beautiful soul who only brought happiness and joy to the world. I along with everyone else will miss them dearly.
  • Pets become cherished members of our families and yours was no different. My condolences to you and your family for a tragic loss.
  • Saying goodbye to a faithful friend is always hard. I hope that the happy memories you have can bring you some solace.
  • Although ______ may not longer be with us I know their spirit will continue to live on in your heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

What to Write in a Sympathy Card for a Dog

If someone you know has lost a dog then these condolence messages are perfect for a sympathy card, sending in a text or just saying to them in person to offer comfort.

  • ______ will always be in your heart. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
  • I’m so sorry you have lost your best friend. _____ was a loyal and gentle companion who everyone loved. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need to talk.
  • Losing a friend as loving as _____ was is always hard. I will be thinking of and praying for you during this very difficult time.
  • ______ will always have a place in your heart. You share a bond that can never be broken. My sincerest sympathy for your loss.
  • Hold on to the wonderful memories you and ______ had. Keep them close and our loved ones are never truly gone.
  • It won’t mean much now but you gave _____ an incredible life and made him/her so happy. If you need to talk I’m always here. All my love and sympathy.
  • I can’t understand how much pain you’re going through but I can be here for you if you need anyone. My condolences to you and your family.
  • May the happiness and love that _____ brought you live on forever in your heart. My condolences.

cat condolence message

Condolence Messages for Loss of a Cat

Losing a beloved cat is devastating for the owners. Reach out with one of these messages of condolence to let the know you’re thinking of them in their time of loss.

  • I know that _____ meant the world to you. I hope you’re coping and we are here for you if you need us.
  • Sending my love and thoughts as you mourn the passing of your beloved kittie.
  • _______ left paw prints of love on everyone who knew him/her. May they rest in peace.
  • The grief from losing a pet is just as heartbreaking as the loss of anyone else. I am thinking of you and sending my love after the passing of _____.
  • You were the perfect mom for little _____. You gave such love and kindness I know he/she had a wonderful life. May those treasured memories never fade.
  • The spirit of ______ will live on and forever be with you. Those cherished memories can never be taken from you. My sympathy and condolences.
  • Sending loving thoughts and hoping you know you have the support of friends and family during this time of loss.
  • I was so saddened to learn of ______’s passing. I know there isn’t anything I can say to help your grief but I am only a phone call away if you want to talk.

Pet Sympathy Messages from a Vet

If you are a veterinarian and have a client that has lost a pet then send your condolences with one of these touching messages.

  • I was dreadfully sorry to learn of _____’s passing. He was such a good boy and always a delight to see. Please accept my sincere condolences.
  • I am terribly sorry for your loss. I hope you know we did all we could and are devastated that ______ didn’t make it.
  • I know how hard this must be for you but I hope it offers some comfort that ______ suffered no pain at the end. I really am deeply sorry for your loss.
  • It was a joy for us when we got to see ______ for his/her vaccinations. It’s a tragedy you have lost them and everyone at the [names of vets] sends their heartfelt condolences.
  • From everyone at [vets practice] we send our sincerest condolences for the loss of your truest friend and precious pet.

How to Support Someone Who Lost a Pet

Sending or offering your condolences is important. But if you can it’s also a good idea to offer your support in more practical ways.

  • Acknowledge their loss: this is a given but the first thing you should do is acknowledge the depth of their grief. Be aware of how much they are mourning their pet and how much they meant to them.
  • Listen to them: listening is key to helping those grieving express themselves. They will appreciate having someone to talk to about how they’re feeling as well as having the opportunity to share memories and stories they have of their pet.
  • Validate their feelings: remind them that the way they are feeling is understandable and completely normal. Help them to feel comfortable with their grief and accept it.
  • Offer practical help: if you can then help them with tasks surrounding the death of their pet then offer to do so. It might be assisting them with arranging the burial or sorting through items, or bring things to offer them some comfort like food.
  • Send a sympathy gift: to go with your sympathy card then you could consider sending them a memorial gift or some flowers in memory of their pet.
  • Respect their process: we all grieve differently so respect however they get through the loss and give them any space they need.
  • Check in on them: this is something many people forget after a loss. The grief doesn’t go away quickly, it lasts. And so it’s important to check in on your friend in the weeks and months after their loss. It’s quite likely they will need ongoing support so keep checking back in with them and seeing that they’re coping.


These additional resources should help you or someone you know to cope with the loss of a pet.

  • Rainbows Bridge – a pet loss grief support community that provides resources for emotional healing from the death of a beloved pet. They have chat and a forum for you to share thoughts with others grieving their lost pet and how to cope.
  • Bluecross – Offering free and confidential pet bereavement support by phone, email or webchat.
  • Healing Pet Loss Podcast – Marianne Soucy shares practical steps for coping with the loss of a beloved pet and comforting messages of love and peace from animals and spirit guides.

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Image: brighthub.com

1 thought on “Loss of Pet Condolence Messages and Quotes”

  1. In times like this, I want to extend my condolences, sympathies but I feel my words never came across as such. Thank you so much for sharing this sensitive article! Thank you for giving me the words to speak to the heart of a pet owner dealing with pet loss.


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